Jovenes En La Rueda Del Alfarero

Youth On The Potters Wheel

 Message From President Michael Lopez

Youth In this Generacion tends to Keep to themselves and pretend everything is ok when all they want is a hand to hold on to a friend in times of trouble an ear to hear everything that they have kept bottled up for so long. I make it my mission so that all the youth in our church strive to be real with one another, we don’t like fake and will repeat that message pretty frequently. If your looking for a place where your teens can open up or maybe a place where we give freedom to the Holy Spirit this is your choice. We believe God to be the only one who can transform a broken heart and can heal the past. I am not the best youth leader but what I do for my youth I do it because of the love I have for them.


Our Goal has been the same since Day One. To grow together in unity, to lvoe one another and to help one another reach what God has called every single one of us to be. We set a number in our plans every year on how many souls our society tries to reach, and we strive to reach that. Our youth are involved in the missions work they helped out when possible with the evangelization team, we are a youth society that wants to prove to the world that being called a Christian does not mean we are boring, it means we are chosen, and you can be to.

From all of us here in the youth society we want to welcome you to our page and would love even more to meet you in person!!!!

President: Michael Lopez

Vice-President: Stephanie Portillo

Secretary-Treasurer: Genesis Otero

President Of The Juveniles: Jonathan Garcia

For more information you may contact:

Michael Lopez; Youth Leader
